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Edged Weapons


Probably the most important tool/weapon you can have in your survival arsenal/toolbox is a machete. You'll want more than one, because they come in different lengths for different uses, and more than one person may be wanting to use one at one time.  They can be used to chop and split wood, harvest grain and other crops, butcher meat, and they make excellent defensive and offensive weapons.  You'll be amazed at all of the uses you will find for a machete.

They won't do you much good in a gunfight, but are excellent at keeping unarmed unruly people at bay.  So in the edged weapon category, the first thing you should consider getting is a machete.  And the good news is they're cheap.  There's an online store that will sell you 5 of them for around $20, including shipping.  And in my experience, the cheap ones work as well as the more expensive ones.

Let's move on to other edged weapons, and I've included bows and arrows and multitools in this category.


Knives are especially useful items that serve multiple purposes.  They have many utilitarian uses as well as being an excellent weapon in the hands of someone skilled in their use.  Just remember the old adage: Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.  Here again you'll need more than one, but a great place to start is with a:

Swiss Army Knife.  There are so many versions that they boggle the mind.  I recommend that you examine all the features available, take a hard look at the features you think you'll actually use, and obtain one with only those features.  You can get one that will weigh more than a handgun - you probably don't need one of those.

Belt knife.  Personal preference couldn't be more obvious than in the choice of a belt knife.  There are ones made for fighting, for hunting, for tactical uses, for preparing food (like fillet knives), and just for show.  Pick one you like, enjoy it, and learn to use it.

Bear in mind that most states (and some cities) have blade length limitations on knives.  Not a problem when you're in survival mode, but a consideration if you want to carry it before the SHTF.

Pocket Knife.  Here again personal choice will weigh heavily on your decision of what or if to carry.  There are single bladed and multi-bladed choices that overwhelm the mind in their diversity.  There are ones that clip on your pocket making them readily accessible, and ones that you actually carry in your pocket.  I personally carry a Swiss Army Knife in my pocket and a Buck Crosslock Horseman (no longer made, but sometimes available on eBay) clipped on my pocket.  You'll probably choose some other combination.  Just keep it sharp, and you'll probably use it often.

Bows and cross bows

This is an area where I have no personal experience, but will provide some website links with useful information from people who do.


These can be useful for hunting (frog gigging comes to mind) and as weapons.  If you're not trained in how to use it as a weapon, you probably shouldn't try.

Axes and hatchets

I like the ones that have metal handles, because one over-swing when chopping wood will probably break your wooden handle.  The plastic handled ones are pretty rugged as well, but I prefer metal.