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Veterans Day Prayer
Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home

Veterans Day is the day that we as a country recognize the service and sacrifices made by those who served our country in any of the branches of our armed forces, and in the last 100 years, more than 1.7 million of them were killed or wounded doing so.

So if you would, please bow your heads as we go to our Lord in prayer.

Our most Gracious Heavenly Father, we give you thanks today for our nation's veterans who have served us so admirably for more than 235 years. We honor them for their faithful service defending and preserving our way of life.

Generation after generation, our young men and women have answered our nation's call, and as a result of their service, many of them have died or suffered live-altering injuries.

We are grateful to all who have served in peace time or in conflict, and we are especially proud and humbled by those who directly faced our enemies, and who continue to bear wounds of the body or sprit as a result of what they endured.

We pray that in your eternal mercy you will ease their pain and suffering so that they can find the joy in living that they so richly deserve.

We thank you Lord for all of our nation's veterans - those of past generations and those who are earning that title today. We often celebrate Veterans Day for a few minutes, a few seconds of silence, and then ours and our nation's lives go on. But let us pray that we recall on this occasion, and throughout the year, the contribution and sacrifice so many of our citizens have made.

And we pray that you will watch over our active duty service members, many of whom are serving in harm's way in the more than 150 foreign countries where U.S. Forces are stationed.

And all of us need the assurance of faith, which only You can give.  We pray that you will make us all mindful of the thoughts and actions that give a worthy meaning to life, and that on Veterans Day, and every day, you will guide us all into living our lives in ways that will please you.

In Jesus Holy name we pray, amen.

Veterans Day Invocation
Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home

 Thank all of you so much for getting out on this blustery day to honor with us our veterans.  Many of our military, almost 900,000 since World War I, died protecting our nation from our enemies.  Of those, General Patton said, “Do not grieve that these men died. Rather thank God that such men lived.”

 And now if you will, please bow your heads for the invocation:

 We welcome this opportunity to recognize and appreciate the wonderful lives we have been given simply because we are fortunate enough to live in the United States of America.  And we are so thankful that we have a highly competent and dedicated military who have placed duty and honor and sacrifice at the very center of their lives. 

 Your example will inspire others to do likewise, and we pray that the angels of our better virtues will eventually prevail over the demons of intolerance and hatred.  There is a time for peace and a time for war, and unfortunately now is a time for war, but we hope that someday we can look upon every face on this earth with kindness and joy.

 Many of you have served overseas in one or more of the more than 150 foreign countries where U.S. Forces are assigned, often separated from your family, friends and familiar way of life for extended periods of time, and fighting our country’s enemies in some of the world’s most god-forsaken places. 

 For the sacrifices you made and others continue to make we admire, honor, recognize & salute you.  The only reason that we continue to be the “land of the free” is that you continue to demonstrate that we are also the “home of the brave”.

 Our thoughts and prayers are with our comrades who have suffered life-altering injuries; and with our heroes who have fallen in battle; and with the loved ones that they have left behind.  And we especially appreciate the families who manned the home front while you were taking care of our nation’s interests at home and overseas.  To all of you who are serving and who have served we thank God that such men lived.

 As we continue to thank God for sending you to protect our nation, in Jesus name we pray, Amen