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My Rantings
(semi-original thoughts)



Enthusiasm fades with time - Motivation is defeated by fatigue - Inspiration dies at the feet of pain. There's nothing that will keep you going but that inner voice that says:

"You're better than this - You've got more to give than you're giving - The only thing you need to do is conquer yourself."
"Self-discipline trumps pain, fatigue, doubt and lazy. You don't need to read another book on motivation, or how to train, or how to anything. You know what you need to do - you've always known. If you're looking for someone to blame for failure, find the nearest mirror. But with self-discipline, you'll never have to go there."

"Self-doubt cannot defeat self-discipline.  Make your body and mind know that you demand their cooperation, and that quitting, slowing down, skipping days, or anything less than giving their best won't even be considered."

Not mine, but a painting inside ATT Stadium, Arlington Texas, home of the Dallas Cowboys